Prioritising Workplace Safety: The Worker Protection Act 2023 Posted:
24th June 2024Blog
The recent enactment of the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) A…

New Flexible Working Changes Will Affect Millions of Employees Posted:
27th October 2023Blog
According to the government, millions of British workers will benefit from the n…

How to Make Reasonable Adjustments for Mental Health Posted:
4th September 2023Blog
According to the Health and Safety Executive, one in four people will have a men…

Flexible Working For Carers Posted:
31st October 2022Blog
It is no secret that the global pandemic has given workers more confidence to as…

To Suspend or not to Suspend – An Employers Dilemma? Posted:
8th October 2022Blog
A suspension from work involves an Employer instructing its employee to stop wor…

The Menopause and Work Posted:
13th June 2022Blog
According to a survey conducted by the Fawcett Society 44% of women surveyed rep…

Unvaccinated Sick Pay – The Need for Caution Posted:
7th February 2022Blog
Sick Pay for Unvaccinated Self Isolating Employees
A number of high profile Emp…

The Future is Hybrid Posted:
24th January 2022Blog
With more of us replacing our petrol and diesel guzzling cars with cars that guz…

Pregnant and Working During the Pandemic – “Unsafe & Unsupported” Posted:
12th January 2022Blog
This is the damming conclusion reached by Maternity Action* in a recent report o…

Tips and Gratuities – New Rules for Employers Posted:
18th October 2021Blog
The Government has announced plans to regulate the treatment of tips gratuities…

Employing Foreign Nationals – How To Get It Right Posted: 10th August 2021
The Immigration Act 2016 allows Civil and Criminal Sanctions to be imposed on Em…

No Jab No Job – The Employers Perspective Posted: 14th May 2021
At the time of writing COVID 19 has been responsible for over 127,000 deaths in…