Hybrid Mediation: A Versatile Family Mediation Method

Photograph of Angela O’Neill

Posted: 31st January 2025
by Angela O’Neill

What is Hybrid Mediation?

Hybrid mediation is a resolution method to help couples who are in the process of separation or divorce and can be used successfully in those cases involving complex issues, high levels of conflict or abuse.

With the aim of keeping issues out of court, hybrid mediation helps to reduce conflict by focusing on reaching constructive solutions through separate confidential meetings. This process is much quicker than going to court and a settlement can sometimes be achieved by the end of the day, as long as the sessions are properly prepared with the relevant documentation to hand.

What makes Hybrid Mediation different?

Hybrid mediation differs from traditional family mediation. It is a hybrid and versatile approach that is effective in resolving disputes. Some of the main differences are:

  • In hybrid mediation the involved parties can have their lawyers present to provide immediate legal advice and support, whereas usually in traditional family mediation, lawyers are consulted outside of the mediation process.
  • Each party sits in their own separate room with the mediator liaising between both of them to discuss issues and proposals, which is particularly useful for high-conflict situations.
  • The mediator is given the discretion to keep some matters confidential and will only share information that they are authorised to disclose. This is different to traditional family mediation where transparency is encouraged, with the mediator sharing information with all parties.
  • The mediator can bring other family professionals and experts into the process to help deal with complex and difficult situations, such as accountants, independent financial advisors, psychiatrists, independent social workers and whoever else the mediator feels is relevant.

The Benefits of Hybrid Mediation

Hybrid mediation is a method that can provide many benefits for all parties involved:

  • It can be an effective method when there are certain safeguarding issues, where one party does not feel comfortable being in the same room or video meeting as the other.
  • It can allow professional experts to provide their skills and knowledge, making the process better informed, resulting in workable and fair settlements being achieved.
  • The certainty of an outcome is increased as lawyers are more directly involved in the process and there is less risk that people can change their minds which can happen if advice is provided in between meetings.
  • The process can be completed much quicker, with the mediation potentially being completed in one full day, making it much simpler and cost-effective.

Why Hybrid Mediation should be considered

Hybrid mediation can be used to deal with all family issues between a separating couple, whether it be financial, children, or both. It should be considered as an alternative to court proceedings as it can shorten an already stressful situation for all involved parties and reduce costs.

If you would like to speak to our Family Mediation team about hybrid mediation, please contact us on 0191 500 6989 or email  [email protected]