Special Education Needs (SEN)
Our legal experts recognise the challenges in securing appropriate support for your child’s special educational needs, we understand the constraints faced by Local Authorities and schools in the current educational landscape. We emphasise the significance of securing the right provisions promptly to prevent potential issues in the future.
Our team is here to assess your circumstances and provide the necessary Special Educational Needs (SEN) advice to propel positive changes for your child. Should the need arise for further action, including appeals to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal or initiating a Judicial Review to enforce provision, rest assured that we stand ready to support and advocate for you.
Our range of Special Educational Needs Legal Advice Services encompasses:
- Initial Consultation
Receive expert advice and diagnosis on the available options to secure appropriate provisions for your child’s educational needs.
- Assistance with Assessments
We guide you through the process of requesting education, health, and care assessments, providing support to ensure a thorough evaluation.
- Timeline and Procedure Guidance
Advising about the required timeframes and procedures for education, health, and care assessments, with our commitment to enforcing these schedules and procedures.
- Appeals to Tribunal
If decisions are made against conducting education, health, and care assessments, we assist you in appealing to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal for a fair resolution.
- EHCP Content and Provision Disputes
Navigate disputes concerning the content and provision outlined in an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) with our expert legal guidance.
- Failure to Implement Plan Provision
Address disputes arising from the non-implementation of provisions specified in a plan, ensuring your child’s rights are upheld.
- Independent Special School Placements
Seek representation for appeals to secure placements at independent special schools, tailored to your child’s unique needs.
- Residential School Placements
Receive support in appealing for placements at residential schools when deemed necessary for your child’s educational well-being.
- Unspecified School Naming in Plan
Resolve disputes related to the failure to name a school within a plan, ensuring clarity and appropriateness in educational placements.
- Post-16/19 Provision Disputes
Address disputes regarding college and post-16/19 provision for young people, ensuring a smooth transition into higher education.
- Mediation Services
Benefit from our mediation services, facilitating constructive dialogue and resolution in special education disputes.
- Upper Tier Tribunal Appeals
Seek legal representation for appeals to the Upper Tier Tribunal on points of law, ensuring a comprehensive understanding and fair adjudication.
- Home to School Transport Assistance
Receive guidance and support in matters related to Home to School Transport, ensuring accessibility and convenience for your child’s educational journey.
SEND Tribunals
While Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Tribunals are set up to be as accessible for parents as possible, we recognise they can still pose a significant challenge. The complexity of the process varies based on your child’s needs, making it not always straightforward.
The proceedings at a SEND Tribunal can be influenced by factors such as:
- The specific section of your child’s Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that is under appeal.
- Whether the hearing is conducted in person or virtually.
- Whether you are attending the hearing with legal representation or witnesses.
Our team of Education Lawyers is adept at customising their expert advice to suit your unique circumstances. We can also provide representation on your behalf during the hearing.