Who Has More Parental Rights – Mother or Father? Posted:
30th August 2024Blog
In family law, we don’t really talk about who has “more parental rights” because…

Family Solicitor on Hand to Help in Darlington Posted:
6th February 2024Press Article
Growing legal practice, EMG Solicitors, has responded to demand for family law s…

Family Conflicts: Benefits of Family Mediation Posted:
22nd January 2024Blog
January is a time for new beginnings and resolutions, but for many families, it…

Divorce and Matrimonial Finances Proceedings Posted:
1st March 2023Blog
In one of our previous posts, we discussed the new no-fault divorce law that was…

Is now a good time to remortgage or should I wait? Posted:
17th November 2022Blog
It is well reported that the Bank of England have recently raised interest rates…

No Fault Divorce Explained Posted:
10th August 2022Blog
In another post, we talked about the new no-fault divorce law being introduced i…

EMG Solicitors to expand to Lake District… Posted:
21st January 2022Press Article
A NORTH EAST firm of solicitors is celebrating its continued success, with furth…

Protecting your family farm for future generations Posted:
6th December 2021Blog
The North East is blessed with an abundance of landed estates and farming stock….

No Fault Divorce Posted:
2nd September 2021Blog
The long-awaited Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill 2020 (https://bills.pa…

Mums and the Marriage Certificate Posted: 18th May 2021
In a long awaited update to the law, the names of mothers of brides and grooms i…

A Mediated Agreement – how hard can that really be? Posted: 9th February 2021
Family Mediation is a wonderful process and can help a great deal of people navi…

An A – Z of Child Support Posted:
The CSA (Child Support Agency) is now the CMS (Child Maintenance Service) and th…