Amy Peters


Job Role at EMG

I joined the firm in September 2024 and hold the position of administrator within the Court of Protection, Health and Welfare team. I primarily deal with the “behind the scenes” administration whilst supporting our fee earners.


Throughout my career, my roles have been primarily customer service based. I completed an apprenticeship within customer service before venturing on a new challenge working as a carer within a care home for patients who had suffered traumatic brain injuries. After 10 years I felt I needed a new challenge and began working within the local court within the civil department. This lit a passion for Law.

What do you like about working at EMG?

When beginning my career within EMG it struck me how person centered the business focus is within the firm. Within the Penrith office where I am based everyone is so approachable and friendly. I do enjoy that the workload is ever expanding, and no two tasks are the same. I also feel the prospect of growth within the company shows the faith EMG holds in its employees.

Outside of EMG?

Free time? I am not sure what that is anymore. When not working at EMG I am studying full time for my LLB with The Open University. When I do have time to spare, I have 2 girls that keep me on my toes. As a family we enjoy swimming and playing what seems like never ending games of Monopoly.